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What is the price of Casper?

The price of Casper has fallen by 2.37% in the past 7 days. The price increased by 0.06% in the last 24 hours. In just the past hour, the price grew by 0.22%. The current price is $0.0359 per CSPR. Casper is 97.36% below the all time high of $1.36. The current circulating supply is 11,183,245,833 CSPR.

What is the price of Casper in the IEO?

The price of Casper in the IEO was $ 0.015 and the token sale ended on Mar 26, 2021. Since then, CSPR price increased 2.38x against US Dollar, increased 2.12x against Ethereum and increased 4.30x against Bitcoin. To learn more about Casper IEO click here. Casper price in US Dollar has decreased by -12.29% in the last 1 month.

What is Casper's circulating supply?

Casper's current circulating supply is 11.18B CSPR. The current yearly supply inflation rate is 105.60% meaning 5.74B CSPR were created in the last year. The price of Casper in the IEO was $ 0.015 and the token sale ended on Mar 26, 2021.

How do I buy Casper cryptocurrencies?

Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin and other popular cryptocurrencies can be purchased with U.S. dollars using Coinbase. Once you have purchased Bitcoin using Coinbase, you can then transfer your Bitcoin to an exchange such as Binance to purchase other cryptocurrencies, including Casper. Where can I get Casper wallet?

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